What's the difference between Artistic Wire and Aluminum Wire?
We carry two kinds of wire:Artistic Wire and Aluminum Wire
The Artistic Wire comes in different colors. We carry: Silver, Gold and Copper.
This is a copper wire with a permanent color that won't wear out.
They come in different gauges. From 18 to 30
The smaller the number the thicker the wire. This wire is usually used for handmade earrings, bracelets and rings.
The largest number will have the thinnest wire. This one is commonly used to wire wrap beads
This is the aluminum wire. It comes in different colors. It's used to make handcrafted pieces.
This one is a #16 gauge. As you see is very thick.
Good News!! Since its aluminum, this wire will not oxidize.
PS: Yesenia (our Designer in Chief's) nail polish today is from Finger Paints Gel Polish
From our San Valentine's Nail Tutorial