Did you know that the oldest pearl necklace known to date is said to be 4,000 years old? Woah-Nelly! Oh, and did you know that women used to wear pearl necklaces to bed with the belief that said pearls would keep bad...
Blog & Beading TutorialsTutorial
DIY You So Fancy Earrings
Viviana Soler
Hi there! The other day I discovered a jewelry designer on Instagram that completely blew my mind. Her name is Melissa, and she's both a teacher and an entrepreneur. Melissa is the founder of Shop Compliment. She created
Quick! Head pins or Eye pins?
Viviana Soler
Quick! Heads or Tails? I meeean: Head...pins or Eye pins? I'll admit, I used to make the decision of choosing one over the other based on availability. Pretty random, right? Now, I know better. Want to find out if you're using them the way you're
Tags: Beading Basics, Tutorial, Video
How to make a Wire and Pearl Bracelet
Viviana Soler2 comments
Can you believe it? Today. is. THURSDAY!! My new favorite day of the week. It's the day we get to serve you a big plate of inspiration with a side of beading knowledge. Yay! Cuz that's what it's all about. Right? Right. So let's get to it. I don't...
How to Master Crimp Covers
Viviana Soler
You wouldn't put a building on a shoddy foundation...You shouldn't focus on the outside without working on the inside...You couldn't create a-ma-zing jewelry without adding crimp covers...
Tags: Beading Basics, DIY, Tutorial, Video
How Elle Woods would make a Kumihimo Necklace
Viviana Soler3 comments
Remember Elle Woods? She's the really superficial and fashionable law student from Legally Blonde. {played by Reese Witherspoon} Full disclosure: I L.O.V.E this movie...
How to use Basic Pliers & Why you don't need 2 out of the 3
Viviana Soler
Pliers... Love 'em or hate 'em they're an important part of creating jewelry. Truth be told, there are only a handful of pliers that are...
Tags: Beading Basics, Resources, Tutorial, Video
How to make a Wrap Around Bracelet
Viviana Soler
Merry Christmas! We're going to keep today's beading tutorial short seeing as it's Christmas Morning and all :) We're sure you want to go open presents!!! But of coarse, we weren't going to leave you hanging. We said we would publish a new DIY tutorial...
Tags: Aluminum Chains, Bracelet, Connector, DIY, Fresh Water Pearls, Leather, Resources, Tutorial, Video
The Beading Technique Every DIY'er Needs To Master
Viviana Soler2 comments
Have you ever received a long letter, and instead of reading it from the beginning you decide to skip to the end only to find out that you need to go back to the beginning to...
Tags: Beading Basics, DIY, Resources, Tutorial, Video
How to make a Knotted Gemstone and Tassle Necklace
Viviana Soler2 comments
Before we dive into today's beading tutorial, we have some exciting news that we're dying to share with you. A while back we asked our followers on social media to tell us wha.....
How to make a Three Strand Gemstone Necklace
Viviana Soler
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Today is DIY Thursday and we couldn't be happier about the overlap with Thanksgiving. Today, we're all going to spend our day reflecting on our blessings and all of the things...
How to make a two strand Imperial Jasper Bracelet
Viviana Soler1 comment
With the Christmas Season around the corner, now's the perfect time to start making your DIY Christmas gifts! So today, we're back with another DIY Thursday tutorial!!